Debunking the Myths Related to Exercise For Older People

As we grow older, our capacity to do physical activities and exercise decreases. So, does it mean exercise is not fit for older people? Let’s find out!

Aging and Exercise: Challenging Myths About Older Adults

Aging is a natural biological process. People often tend to express a feeling of tiredness or lack of interest as they age. For a very long time, people have been living believing that aging makes a person weaker and less healthy.


However, this belief is a complete myth. Doing exercises can keep older people more fit than usual. It can keep many diseases away from you, helping you live a healthy, care-free, and happy life. 

Today, we are here to debunk some common myths about older adults and exercise. Let’s learn the actual truth. 

Debunking Some Common Myths


Here are some myths that you might commonly hear, and let’s learn whether it is true or not: 


Myth 1: “I’m too old and weak. I can’t start exercising out of blues.”


It is one of the most commonly heard dialogues from older adults. There’s no age to start or end exercising. Research has recently shown that it is safe and beneficial for adults to start exercising even at the age of 70 or 80. It all claims that exercise for older people is one of the best ways to stay fit and fine. 


Myth 2: “I’m old. If I start exercising, my body aches might increase.”


Body aches and joint pains are few among the most common complaints that bother older adults. Due to the same reason, they often hesitate to take a walk or even perform other activities, thinking it might increase the pain. It might feel like a huge task to do any small movements once the joints become stiff or painful. Moreover, studies worldwide have proven that moderate exercises for older people, especially arthritis patients, relax and reduce joint stiffness and pain. However, exercise can keep your joints moving and ensure optimum blood circulation. 


Myth 3: “I walk every day. So, I don’t need to exercise.”


Walking is one of the simplest activities that anyone can perform. However, can walking around a few extra steps replace the benefits that exercise can bring for older people? Well, no. 


Walking doesn’t occupy even the category of bare minimum when it comes to exercise. Walking is good as an activity. However, it doesn’t address the four areas of fitness: flexibility, strength, balance and endurance. Even mild to moderate exercise for older people can improve the strength and flexibility of the body. The recommended number of minutes for exercise for adults above 65 is 150 minutes per week. 


Myth 4: “I shouldn’t take the risk, like exercising during my old age because my family has hereditary heart diseases.”


It is one of the other biggest balloons of the myth that needs to be busted. People tend to believe that exercising in old age can increase the chance of heart disease and heart attack. It is a big lie. Older adults who exercise daily have been proven to have reduced the risk of heart disease by at least 15-20% compared to those adults with a sedentary lifestyle.


Myth 5: “Exercising in old age can worsen my disease.”


This myth might sound too easy to believe. However, this is one of the biggest myths that has stopped older adults from exercising. However, the contrary of this is true. Lack of exercise is one of the causes of chronic disease. Exercise is proven to improve the health of patients suffering from heart disease, arthritis and rheumatic, high blood pressure, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease etc.


The Bottom Line,

Adopting the right diet and exercise routine can never go wrong at any age. Always ensure that the posture you select while exercising suits your body. Exercising at an older age can provide better fitness and improve flexibility, strength, balance and endurance. Exercising during ageing can be beneficial in many ways, like better mental health, lower blood pressure and stress, strengthened social and emotional ties and improved cognitive functions. Ensure you don’t overdo any exercise because even nectar can be poisonous if overused!


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